Ep.23 Dane Robinson is EXPANSIVE. His energy can shift a room in an instant and when you get around him you know that he is destined for greatness. In this interview you will see just what it means to devote your life's work for the betterment of others.

Dane is the fitness director at GRAVITY studio in Atlanta as well as the Head Coach of the Atlanta Steam. The Legends Football League based in Atlanta. (women's indoor football)

Let's dive into Dane's story and see what exactly Lululemon saw to invite him into "The Hike" event in Chattanooga, TN.

Dane Robinson
- Guest
- Linkedin - https://www.linkedin.com/in/dane-robinson-4577844b
- Insta - https://www.instagram.com/danerobinson92
- Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/dane.robinson.923

Creating Space Team:

Wes Knight
- Host
- Web: www.CreatingSpaceMovement.com
- Insta: www.instagram.com/wesleytknight/
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/WesleyTKnight
- Snapchat: www.snapchat.com/add/wesknight
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/wes.knight/

Olivia Bellamy
- Producer
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/olivia_belllamy
- Insta: https://www.instagram.com/ol1vya/
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/olivia-bellamy-717a9346

Charita Johnson
- Exec. Producer & Manager
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/jnsns
- Insta: https://www.instagram.com/jnsns/
- Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/charitaljohnson

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