We need to create a desirable future for our European societies to overcome the fear that paralyses us when facing the challenges of the 21st century.

.. by creating a desirable future

We are terrified. We know (somewhat) that carrying on as we do leads us to an apocalyptic (in the literal sense of the world) civilisational collapse as described by:

Diamond, Jared. "Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed", Viking Press, New York, 2005, with a summary available at: http://www.jareddiamond.org/Jared_Diamond/Collapse.html.

as all human civilisations have done when their consumption durably exceed the renewable resources available to them.

Many remain paralysed by this fear.

One way to overcome it is to act, effectively, against this frightening reality. This is exemplified by forensic anthropologist Prof Sue Black.

It is not sufficient to say “change the system, not the climate”. We must say what the new “system” is meant to be, and how to reach it.

Creating a desirable future, the new system, and the way forward to make it a reality; is the means I chose to overcome this fear - and the very purpose of this podcast.