Inequality and social insecurity are the root causes of stress (and of the social and health problems that it creates) and of compulsive and ostentatious consumption (at the root of our unsustainable society)

… is necessary to free us from stress and ostentatious consumption

The book “The Spirit Level. Why Equality is better for everyone” and the attached website Equality Trust explain that it is better to live as a poor person in an equal society than as a rich person in an unequal one, and why.

Life in an unequal and precarious society causes chronic stress, which releases a toxic hormone, called cortisol, in the body. This hormone diminishes intellectual capacity, creates inflammations and cancers, in addition to hypertension, obesity and diabetes.

In addition, an unequal society generates over-consumption based on ostentation: I need to show that I belong to the rich and the powerful, because this is the only way to be protected against harm.

For all these reasons, the happy society of the future must display unprecedented levels of equality and social security.

For all these reasons, the happy society of the future must display unprecedented levels of equality and social security.