Today's episode was unplanned, but has just been on my heart for a while now. I hear people talking about how the world is falling apart and how everyone is an a$$hole. Here's the thing, we have the ability to solve the a$$hole epidemic and it starts with these 5 things:

Stop judging people based on their past or their reputation - use it as a guide, not gospel Ask yourself my favorite coaching question, What are you making it mean? Stop letting your feelings distort the facts Stop the angry chatter with a story Stop the madness in its tracks through change or acceptance

This is the first part of a 3 part series called Be The Change. Join us for the next two by subscribing to the podcast on your favorite podcast app!

Go here to the website for the show notes and sign up to be my email bestie while you’re there!

Subscribe and join me every week for a new episode. Let's be friends before you go -  go. Anyone catch that reference? Ahem. Moving along, You can find me on Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn as @successalday.