Previous Episode: 1096 Frustrated No More
Next Episode: 1098 I Did It My Way

Beth Bruno shares how her yearlong mother-daughter journey turned into passionate, purposed living in her brand new book, A Voice Becoming. The journey is creating a movement for global sisterhood.

Beth Bruno:  She is a wife of 22 years and mom to 3 children, 2 daughters and 1 son, an author and speaker. Her heart has led her down the path to prevent human trafficking. In 2009, she launched a non-profit, A Face to Reframe. Beth is a volunteer manager of Domestic Sex Trafficking for the U Count Campaign, a Colorado-based global anti-sex trafficking ministry where she leads local efforts in victim services for those impacted by sex trafficking.

"I want to change the world." ~ Beth Bruno   BOOK TRAILER BOOK: A Voice Becoming CONNECT with Beth Bruno

Enjoy the multitude of topics discussed including Turkey, purity, global sisterhood, Hagar, and the bike.

Change the world January is Human Trafficking National Month Hawaii Five-O Exchange for basic needs Coalition/Task Force How can I help? A Face to Reframe Homelessness External Control Management Behavior Management Rites of Passage Menstrual Cycle/Purity Hagar Where have you come from? Where are you going? Turkey Deepest Roots I see you! Your story Dad & masculinity Trust Women Sacrifice Career trajectory Yield to God Leadership Create Scripture Think BIG Adaptable and current History Global Sisterhood Give Back Global Circle Encouragement Sojourner Intention Launch a movement Hints of passion/personality Intentional conversations The Bike   BOOK TRAILER BOOK: A Voice Becoming CONNECT with Beth Bruno "I'm out to wreck her heart!" ~ Beth Bruno


Quotes and statements within the interview:

"They have the scarlet letter on them; everybody must know and be able to tell."

"A Face to Reframe came out of this desire to reframe with dignity, those who have been marred and disenfranchised."

"We tend to be focuses on some of the wrong things."

"We need to lift their eyes to a bigger vision and a bigger story."

"I framed the year around God's questions to Hagar."

"Where is your story still tethered?"

"I felt this need to be strong, to have it all together."

"Is that moms would realize this is as much about them as it is about their own daughters."

"Our life is a journey of becoming."

"It did a lot for our relationship."

"And yet it became a yielding of my heart to the Lord."

"That's what I wanted was to spark a movement of women who would raise their daughters differently and engage the world powerfully."

"So it's important I think for moms to be adaptable and current."

"I write best out of just what day to day looks like."

"I want to journey along side of moms as we raise these girls to be global sisters."

"You're in a great season, perfect season to begin to process your own story and begin to name the places that most influence who you are as a woman."

"No guilt. No regret."


What is human trafficking?

"Human trafficking is whenever a person is compelled to work or perform sex acts through force, fraud, cohesion. Or in the case of sex trafficking, the individual is not yet 18 years old."

What has your story gifted you? Rich, complex, and hard

"The greatest gift has been in those moments of hard and brokenness where I realized we're all broken, and Jesus loves us, and cares for the brokenhearted."

"I'm gonna love my story and live restored."


Resources mentioned in the episode: BOOK: A Voice Becoming CONNECT with Beth Bruno Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: A Voice Becoming Group


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ANNOUNCEMENT: Ready to shine your light and tell your story. Please click on MY STRENGTH IS MY STORY. Here you can submit yourself to appear on the podcast or make recommendations as who you would like to hear. This is going to be a beautiful series!


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Read more from Kristianne, a contributor to The Huffington Post, MindBodyGreen, Thrive Global, Addicted2Succes, and She Owns It.



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Music by Mandisa - Overcomer


Cover Art by Jenny Hamson

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