Two CEO couples share the blueprint for balancing entrepreneurship, parenting, and personal growth. They share secrets to finding a supportive mate and the importance of consistency.


About our Guest:


Melissa Wahnish is the founder of RubyThursday, a free weekly online show that gives junior Rails developers bite sized tutorials, tips and tricks to help them grow.  Along with her husband, she builds startups for non-technical entrepreneurs.


Eric Fondren is the CEO of, a company that provides a digital advertising platform for ATM owners to digitally advertise to their customers.


Todd Wahnish is the Founder of He is an award winning artist, animator and product designer having created notable works for Marvel Entertainment, Cartoon Network, and artist Jeff Koons. He holds a BFA from the Atlanta College of Art, is married to his beautiful co-founder and loves making things people want through story centered design.


Danielle Fondren is a program manager for a substance abuse center.


Episode Summary:

Kevin, Eric Fondren and Todd Wahnish team up with their wives Melissa Wahnish and Danielle Fondren to discuss love and how their relationships are impacted by having entrepreneurs in the family.  


Insight from this episode:


How to tell that you are in a good, healthy relationship How to keep a healthy relationship while growing personally Why searching for perfection doesn’t work How to navigate the nuances of your partner Tips to scouting the perfect mate, the importances of consistency Consistency is how the person acts in different situations and just connecting with you as a person. The benefits of being inspired by your partner and complimenting when and where they come up short Insight on who to talk to while married The importance of asking for help Tips for setting boundaries when working from home The benefits of bringing in your spouse or someone you are dating slowly The work never stops and it takes a long time to see results How to support an entrepreneur when the business isn’t going well The benefit of communicating your needs


Secrets to balancing work, parenting and living your life:

Scheduling Parenting means working together Work life will come into the home life from time to time and you support your partner


Tips for dating an entrepreneur:

Take the risk Be open Be open to being wrong Don’t be afraid to switch roles   Accept the crazy schedule and don’t be afraid to help out Show appreciation for the hard work


Quotes from the show:

“CE-Uh-Ohing” - Todd Wahnish Episode #106


“When the person you are with inspires you to be yourself, not to put on, or  be something you're not... If you can purely be yourself, then that is the person for you.” -Danielle Fondren Episode #106


“This is something you can be grumpy on inside.” - Melissa Wahnish Episode #106


“You don’t have to always say everything. Sometimes a touch, a look, or a gesture makes as much sense as anything else would. “-Eric Fondren Episode #106


“You have to really understand that the failure isn’t a failure of yourself and it’s not failure in the other person.“ Melissa Wahnish Episode #106


3 keys to Create Your Best Life:

Communicate your needs Don’t be afraid to get into a relationship with an entrepreneur Work together and be a team



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