Show Synopsis:

Angel shares how she made 6 billion dollars for an employer and left to start her own company. She gives us her 10 steps to accomplish any goal and details her experience of exiting her employer, becoming an author and being labeled the next Steve Jobs.


About our Guest:

Angel Rich is the founder and creator Credit Stacker, patent pending, is an education technology game application that teaches students how to manage various types of credit, interpret a credit report, achieve good credit and avoid risks associated with debt. The objective of the game is to make timely bill payments on five credit types, with unique loan amounts, to eliminate debt while maintaining low interest and a high credit score.


Insight from this episode:

Angel was given business books at a young age Angel read the richest man in babylon and other monumental financial books in elementary school Angel has created the mobile credit app credit stacker Angels app was downloaded over 200,000 times in just 2 weeks Pioneer of the financial literacy gamification Angel used to keep 30 mentors when she worked at prudential Angel made Prudential 6 billion dollars Her validation to remain focused on her dream came as she asked her mentors about her idea and they told her it was a billion dollar idea and that she should sell her idea to prudential and keep working for them Angel followed her heart and spirit and turned down a full ride for an MBA to follow her dreams and is now the graduation keynote speaker for the same program Angel credit’s 80% of her success to her networking Angel says network with a purpose, research the organization and the goal.


You’ll learn:

Some of the advantages of learning on someone else’s dime The power of mentorship Angel’s blueprint to exiting her job to pursue working as a full time entrepreneur how to build your executive team How to persevere despite descrimination Tactics to understand if you should pivot or stay consistent on your The importance of understanding your competitor adn their The 10 steps to complete any goals I made 6 billion dollars for a company and walked away to start my own


3 keys to Create Your Best Life:

Ask yourself what you would wake up and do for free, focus on that Make a plan towards that goal Know what success looks like when you reach your goal. what’s the next step.


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