Kia goes in detail about her journey from working in retail to saving lives in Ameri Core/FEMA and now living her passion as a community gardener in Nashville Tennessee.


Insight from this episode: 


The purpose of community gardening is to bring people's focus back to the land and the earth and have people be connected with their food system. Also to bring people together to cultivate community. Bring people together who may not know one another A lot of the vegetables that new American people are used to eating are more expensive in grocery stores which makes community gardening a better affordable option Kia volunteered for AmeriCorpos in a branch of FEMA before working in community gardening After graduating college Kia worked in retail before working at AmeriCorpos She found her inspiration for community gardening at a potluck while in AmeriCorpos where her teammates had all made fresh dishes from their community garden and had a deep sense of community and conversation around the meal. People from different cultures and ethnicities and different foods. "I love to connect good people to good food and each other” - Kia Brown Her support system tells her to trust her instinct and that she knows what she is doing "Hey what you are doing is ok, you don’t have to have and you don’t have to lead a traditional life because you are not a traditional person” - Kia Brown episode #72 "Stay true to yourself and focused on doing things that you love to do because eventually, you’ll get to the place where you need to be” - Kia Brown episode #72 Sit down and write out a list of things that you love doing and write out a list of things that terrify you. Most of the time its a mixture of the two that lead you to your dreams Be ok with making mistakes because mistake are apart of the journey and mistakes make you who you are  Kia’s favorite food to grow is Brussel sprouts

Kia's Keys to creating your best life:


Don't be discouraged if you are surrounded by people who know what they want to do Don't let others influence you so much so that you feel that you are failing in some manner


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