Today’s episode is sponsored by my free downloadable PDF checklist –How To Create A Highly Irresistible List Building Freebie And Attract Your Perfect Customers The Easy Way! Stop guessing what your ideal audience wants and start filling your email list with ‘Buy Ready’ people actively searching for your digital products, online courses, artwork, workshops, retreats or 1 on 1 client services!

You can download your free copy today at:

Episode 018 Show Notes:

1. Do I know my ideal avatars top of mind problem, the one they most want to have solved? And do I know how they’re languaging it?

2. What’s the best possible solution I can give them to address that problem and get them a quick valuable win?

3. Will the result of that QVW (quick valuable win) inspire them to take action on your next step?

Before you create your profit-driven freebie you must get clear on your ideal avatar and the problem they most want solved ways to do this?

* Interview your ideal customer and ask them what they’re struggling with most or what problem they most want to be solved.

* If you have an email list survey them

* Check out and read reviews of competing products that your ideal customer avatar might refer to as an option/alternative to your product or service

* If you sell information or education-related products visit and enter the subject your freebie solves in the search sorting the results by the most searched and highest rated videos. Review the comments, if there are any, what are viewers saying?

I created a video tutorial Research Your Next Profitable Idea Using Google Trends, Google, Amazon, Udemy, and Skillshare on Episode 013: Choose! My Personal Take On Ryan Levesque’s New Book & How Creatives Can Use It To Choose The Best Idea For Them of the podcast

* You can also search blogs or podcasts and read the comments

Begin with the end in mind then reverse engineer your paid offer to your free offer

* What are you selling? A book, a course, or paid service like copywriting, photography, or maybe graphic design?

* Your free offer must ultimately lead to your paid offer, and if you don’t have a paid offer yet, extend an invitation for an experience that will allow them to engage with you like a Facebook group

* Other options? A free or paid online workshop and if you have a Facebook group you can run it inside your group

* Give them a quick-win that feels valuable and sets up your paid offer. For example, if you’re a service provider like a copywriter you could offer to do a free rewrite of an existing piece of content with the option to purchase if they want to use it

* For example, if your freebie is a checklist take one of the items on your list, (something that relates to the problem your avatar wants to be solved) make sure it’s something that connects to your paid offer and something you could teach on via a live video conference or a one on one consulting session

Stanford Professor and behavior expert BJ Fogg whose concept of “easy wins” suggests

“For people to be motivated to continue pursuing any action, they need to experience a set of immediate and observable wins”

Resources Mentioned In This Episode:

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