Today’s episode is sponsored by my free downloadable PDF checklist –How To Create A Highly Irresistible List Building Freebie And Attract Your Perfect Customers The Easy Way! 

Stop guessing what your ideal audience wants and start filling your email list with ‘Buy Ready’ people actively searching for your digital products, online courses, artwork, workshops, retreats or 1 on 1 client services!

You can download your free copy today at:

I am beyond thrilled to introduce you to my special guest today. Daniele and I met at a networking event about nine years ago and from the second we locked eyes we’ve been pretty much inseparable. Since that first meeting, I’ve seen her go from self-publishing a children’s book of illustrators based on her beloved cat Beijo who sadly is no longer with us.

But she has a new fur baby in the family which I’m sure she’ll speak about in the interview.

Fast forward she’s grown from publisher to become one of the sought after Pet Behaviorist in the Southern California area, and her trajectory is nothing short of ‘divine’ we’ll explain in the interview.

One thing that absolutely I love about Daniele is how she bucks the traditional “this how to do business” system and has done so with great success.

When everyone is going right, she goes left and it’s continually paid off for her which is how her email list grows every day with ‘Buy Ready’ leads using a Pet Personality Assessment.

Assessments and quizzes are one of the if not the highest converting freebies you can employ in your list building activities. Why? Well as I mentioned in Episode 016 I personally feel the reason why they’re so popular is simple.


Shownotes and Resources Mentioned In This Episode: