How to Create a Website That Converts (and Actually Have Fun Making It)

Show notes available:

Now before I get into what I have for you today I want to tell that this episode is sponsored by Leadpages.

I’ve used Leadpages for going on five years now to create all of my landing pages to continually build and grow my mailing list and if you’d like to see one of my Leadpages in action go to to grab my free gift 57 Ways To Monetize Your Gifts and Create True Security For Yourself!

Now make sure to listen to the end because I have another special gift waiting for from Leadpages which is a perfect accompaniment to the focus of today’s episode.

So without further ado here we go, How to Create a Website That Converts (and Actually Have Fun Making It)

Leadpages just launched a free course called Create a Website That Converts (and Actually Have Fun Making It) that walks you through the soup to nuts everything you need to know about setting up a website.

This comprehensive free course covers everything from:
*Website Basics
*Website Goals
*Building Your Site
*Content Marketing: Signature Content
*Content Marketing: Lead Magnets
*Optimizing Your Site
**Campaigns with Landing Pages

And you get your hands on it at when you opt-in you have an option to take advantage of 14 days free trial to Leadpages if you want to take advantage of their free training and start put together your own Landing pages and website.

And to take it step further, if you decide to become a Leadpages customer after the 14-day free trial, so if you sign up for a full year, forward your receipt to [email protected] or take a screenshot and DM on Instagramand I’ll gift you a 30 minute Getting Started with Leadpages Onboarding session as my gift.