Create A Creative Business That Celebrates Your Ideal Life

Today’s episode is sponsored by my brand new roadmap – 57 Ways To Monetize Your Gifts and Create True Security For Yourself! Includes access to four bonus templates called the Creative Entrepreneurs Path to Cash and map your journey to an ideal business that celebrates the life you want to live.

Download your free roadmap today at

Episode 008 Show Notes Here’s some of what I covered on this week’s episode:

– If it’s your dream – don’t quit!

– How a debilitating back issue forced me to reevaluate how I was living, including how I was running my business

– How successful entrepreneur takes care of themselves mentality, physically, emotionally and financially

Creating your success plan that includes the following seven points:

1. Get clear about you want using the Work/Lifestyle Template {download yours in the show notes below}

2. Select a business model that works with your ideal life

3. Maintain your faith, if you do – you’ll be guided to the way to achieve your dream – take care of yourself

4. Ask for help

5. Be careful what and WHO you let into your life

6. Be open to a dream being bigger than what you currently believe is possible

7. If you believe in the dream and the path you’re currently on keep going regardless of how “things appear”

Show Notes Mentions & Resources Guide Available at