To create your dream life you need two things:

A dream that you believe in And a belief in yourself that you can achieve it


Let’s start with number one, a dream that you can believe in.

Everything that you have in your possession including the device that you’re listening to this podcast on and including this podcast episode started out as a dream in someone's imagination.

Dreams drive creation

Every book we read, film we watch, piece of music we listen too, plate of food we eat, article of clothing, car we drive, home we live in, the vacation we take, even the job or career we have, assuming we went to school to get an education to get the job we have started out as a dream at some point in our life.

That’s why I say that dreams “drive creation” and once we understand that and become intentional we can dream more purposely.  

To help you with this process I created a free downloadable worksheet - Future Pacing Your Dream Life and you can get that by going to, show notes page

So the question you might have is “how do I create a dream I can believe in?”

I believe it starts with allowing yourself to pay attention to what speaks to you.


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Show Notes For This Episode 

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