Welcome to the inaugural episode of the Create A Proneur Podcast! My name is Rodney Washington your host and guide and I'm thrilled that you choose to check out my show. 

Before I launched my photography career in 2005 one of the first things I did was reach out to professional photographers whose work I deeply admired.

I wanted to learn how and why they chose to become professional photographers and how they got started in the business. Gratefully, some responded to my requests for advice, others ignored me, never the less I was committed to learning from the best so I pressed on.

So assuming you either currently have a business or you're at least kicking around the idea to start one I felt it only fitting I launch the podcast addressing how and why I started my entrepreneurial career.  

If you could ask someone you admire what prompted them to walk the entrepreneurial path what would you ask? 

Here are the three questions I like to ask Creative Entrepreneurs:

When was the exact moment when you knew you wanted to be an entrepreneur? What was going on when you realized there was no turning back? Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give your younger entrepreneurial self?


So how about you? I'd love to know how you'd answer one or more of these questions. If you do there's a chance to have your response featured on a future episode of the podcast.

Talk to me on Speakpipe at: 


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Get Paid For Your Creativity: 57 Ways to Monetize Your Gifts and Create True Security For Yourself


Show Notes For This Episode 

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