Crazy Wisdom artwork

Crazy Wisdom

380 episodes - English - Latest episode: 6 days ago - ★★★★★ - 67 ratings

In his series "Crazy Wisdom," Stewart Alsop explores cutting-edge topics, particularly in the realm of technology, such as Urbit and artificial intelligence. Alsop embarks on a quest for meaning, engaging with others to expand his own understanding of reality and that of his audience. The topics covered in "Crazy Wisdom" are diverse, ranging from emerging technologies to spirituality, philosophy, and general life experiences. Alsop's unique approach aims to make connections between seemingly unrelated subjects, tying together ideas in unconventional ways.

Philosophy Society & Culture Technology
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Peter McCormack - The Stress of Running a Bitcoin Podcast

June 07, 2019 07:00 - 47 minutes - 36.3 MB

I talked with Peter McCormack about the stress of running his popular "What Bitcoin Did" podcast. 

Brett J Fox - Lessons from a True Operator

June 03, 2019 07:00 - 50 minutes - 40.1 MB

I really enjoyed this interview with Brett Fox because he is an operator through and through and speaks the truth from his decades of experience building business from the ground up and being a fixer who comes in and fixes businesses that need fixing. 

Marc Bitanga - What is marketing and how does it work?

May 31, 2019 07:00 - 50 minutes - 38.7 MB

I sit down with Marc Bitanga, the host of the Growing Pains podcast, and talk to him about the first principles of marketing and how he views the relationship between stress and creativity.

Sahil Lavingia - CEO of Gumroad: What happens when you move from SF to Provo, Utah?

May 27, 2019 07:00 - 57 minutes - 45.3 MB

Sahil is really sharp and definitely has his head on straight. He has a lot of wisdom to share here about painting, life, and startups. 

Jude Gomila: CEO of Golden - Polymaths at work

May 24, 2019 07:00 - 1 hour - 64.9 MB

Really loved digging deep into Jude's philosophy on life and work as well as how Golden is going to organize the world's information like no one has done before. 

Ryan Delk of Omni - Our Thoughts on Creativity Inc

May 20, 2019 07:00 - 48 minutes - 39.6 MB

I sit down with Ryan Delk after both of us read Creativity Inc By Ed Catmull. This is part of a series I'm doing where I ask someone what they are reading, we read it, and then have a conversation about it. Creativity Inc truly inspired me. It is like a guidebook for how to be creative when other people are involved. So many gems.

What would you learn if you took notes on the best podcasts?

May 17, 2019 07:00 - 54 minutes - 40.5 MB

The guys at Podcast Notes take notes on the best podcasts on the planet as a business and I thought it would be interesting to interview them about all the things they have learned. Check it out for a good synthesis of the best knowledge being produced at the moment.

How does uncertainty lead to stress and how can we cope?

May 13, 2019 07:00 - 58 minutes - 44.3 MB

I sit down with Annie Duke who is an author about randomness and uncertainty and how to work intelligently with these things while also trying to live a good life. 

Dr. Cameron Sepah: Part II - ACT: A Radical Approach to Anxiety -

May 10, 2019 22:00 - 46 minutes - 43.7 MB

This is part 2 of a special series I did with Dr. Cameron Sepah about Stress and how to work with it intelligently. This particular episode goes into Dr Sepah's particular specialty, ACT or Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, which Dr. Sepah uses both clinically in his private practice and studies its efficacy at UCSF.

Dr. Cameron Sepah - Part I: The Science of Stress and Resilience

May 10, 2019 07:00 - 37 minutes - 36.1 MB

This is one of my favorite episodes because Dr. Cameron Sepah has done years of training on the topic of my show and just puts it all out there. All the evidenced-based knowledge we have on what stress is and the most effective ways we can work with it.  Not only that but Dr. Sepah has operating experience in how to build a company in addition to clinical and academic experience in this field. This is the truth straight from someone who has experience in both theory and practice. Very good...

What happens when you move West?

May 06, 2019 07:00 - 59 minutes - 55.7 MB

I interview Nate about why he is always a customer of a product before he works or invests in the company that creates that product. We also talk about nature, fitness, ego, the gold rush and much more.

Are nuclear weapons an existential threat to humanity?

May 03, 2019 07:00 - 37 minutes - 35.1 MB

This is part of a special series I'm doing where I ask someone what they are reading, I read it, and then we have a conversation about it. Jake Chapman and I both read the book Doomsday Machine by Daniel Ellsberg about the regulation and governance around Nuclear Weapons in the United States and abroad.

What did Jung have to say about stress?

April 29, 2019 07:00 - 54 minutes - 38.5 MB

Stay away from this episode if you dislike exposing yourself to things you probably consider to be "Woo". This content isn't for you.  Here I talk to Howard Teich and we talk about Jung and I even do a little online therapy for everyone to see the process!

Arianna Simpson

April 26, 2019 07:00 - 46 minutes - 54 MB

I talk with Arianna Simpson about her contrarian views on remote work as well as the current crypto market and the most interesting projects which have benefited from the quiet of the bear market.

Nicholas Brysiewicz of the Long Now Foundation

April 22, 2019 07:00 - 59 minutes - 61.9 MB

This is part of a new series where I ask someone what they are reading, I read it, and then we record a conversation to get the main points of the book. The point is to let you the listener get access to the wisdom of a book without necessarily reading it. We both read the book "The New Dark Age" by James Bridle about the unintended consequences of technology.

Kunal (@crazypolymath)

April 19, 2019 12:00 - 46 minutes - 36 MB

I really enjoyed sitting down with Kuval who lives in India and is spitting fire on Twitter about how to make money doing what you love. We get into that as well as first principles, and the transmission of morals in the time of globalization.

Does a chip on your shoulder help you become successful?

April 15, 2019 07:00 - 59 minutes - 52.9 MB

Vinay is one smart dude and lays down the knowledge about neural networks as well as the stress of growing up in the middle of Illinois as a person of color. Also how that lead him to be who he is today and propels him towards success. This guy has a lot of valuable things to say.

Kapil Gupta

April 12, 2019 19:09 - 1 hour - 41.7 MB

Another episode with Kapil Gupta laying down the Truth with a capital T

How will technology make us more mindful?

April 08, 2019 15:58 - 51 minutes - 39.8 MB

Sumon is an Angel Investor and Entrepreneur, Current Chief revenue office in Plato design and had invested in 25 companies in AI, the extension of human life, and many others. We talk about the intersection of wisdom practices that are thousands of years old and modern technology.

How to balance intuition with the intellect?

April 01, 2019 07:00 - 51 minutes - 57.7 MB

Just interviewed @kylebrussell about his thoughts on the relationship between stress and creativity. This was one of my favorite interviews. His reading and the way he uses the knowledge he gains from reading is truly astonishing. Insights as follows. Mental models: best way to learn is to see how the mental models of others have failed or succeeded and then update your own mental model based on that. There are drawbacks to only playing with mental models. This is where intuition comes in....

Kapil Gupta

March 29, 2019 03:08 - 47 minutes - 39.9 MB

Woah. This one was the hardest interview I've ever done. Kapil warned me that what he had to share was not what any of my other guests had shared before and he was right.  I actually had to cut out 8 minutes of the interview because all that could be heard was silence and heavy breathing as a tried to integrate the intense truth he shared. My life has changed drastically in the few days since I have done this interview. Yours will too if you listen to this. You have been warned.

How can Daoism make us less stressed and more creative?

March 25, 2019 07:00 - 56 minutes - 42.1 MB

Paul drops some knowledge on how to find yourself, live more creatively while being less stressed, and find your purpose here on the planet. Really deep. I hope you enjoy.

The medical implications of stress

March 18, 2019 07:00 - 45 minutes - 34 MB

I just interviewed Lavinia Cerasela Ionita about her work using stress biomarkers and personalized video conferencing with doctors to help people get a handle on their stress.

The risk of being creative

March 11, 2019 07:00 - 34 minutes - 30.6 MB

I sit down with my roommate David Zangwill who has a lot of interesting things to say about the relationship between stress and creativity.

Jill Eickmann

March 04, 2019 08:00 - 35 minutes - 30.7 MB

I've been doing Improv for the last month to improve my ability to be more spontaneous on the podcast and I've started to fall deeply in love with doing improv. I interviewed Jill Eickmann the founder of the local improv studio I go to called Leela and I ask her about her upcoming improv festival called Femprovisor Fest.

Are we moving into the 5th dimension?

February 25, 2019 08:00 - 40 minutes - 36.8 MB

I interviewed Maria in both English and Portuguese. This one is the English one and we go pretty deep metaphysically speaking. We even talk about moving into the 5th dimension and Maria's thoughts on the evolution of mankind and whether aliens are helping us.

Tommy Leep of AngelList

February 18, 2019 08:00 - 44 minutes - 41.4 MB

I sit down with Tommy Leep who does BD at AngelList and also helps people find their life's work with his company Jetstream. We talk about how people can minimize stress while finding a new career and stress in the context of raising money from investors.

Peter Rex: Do rebels experience stress when they rebel?

February 11, 2019 08:00 - 1 hour - 40.7 MB

Here is my interview with Peter Rex where I interview him about his fast growing company MakeRise, as well as his experience going against the status quo.  

How does a healthy relationship make you more creative?

February 04, 2019 08:00 - 54 minutes - 45 MB

It was very interesting interviewing someone about stress and creativity in the context of relationships. Its not something that I have thought a lot about, but lead to some wide-ranging insights. If you ask a genius where their ideas come from, none of them are able to actually tell you the answer. It comes from this place of emptiness. This is why meditation can help you become more creative. You already are creative because each thought you think is an example of fascinating creativity...

What are some sources of stress when working remotely?

January 28, 2019 08:00 - 46 minutes - 38.6 MB

Just did an interview with the CEO of Gitlab, Sid Sibrandij. Gitlab is a multibillion dollar company that helps developers become more efficient with less stress. One of the most interesting values they have is that they are totally transparent. They post lots of their meetings and code reviews to youtube so that everyone can see. I was able to ask Sid pretty much anything about the company and he would answer. This could be a source of stress because there is always this line between h...

Would you live forever if you could?

January 21, 2019 08:00

Today I interviewed Serge Faguet who is a successful serial entrepreneur and also a biohacker who believes he will live for a very long time thanks to his ability to acquire the best medical care money can afford.  We talk stress, creativity and aging.

What is the relationship between accountability and stress?

January 07, 2019 08:00 - 38 minutes - 31.4 MB

Taylor Jacobson is the CEO of Focusmate an amazing product that pairs you with a virtual coworking buddy. Both you and your coworker keep each other accountable for an hour while you pound through tasks. I reached out to Taylor because I'm a user of the product and wanted to hear his thoughts on the connection between stress and creativity.

A live business coaching session

December 31, 2018 08:00 - 38 minutes - 35.2 MB

In this episode I do things a little differently, instead of interviewing Henri Meijer, he helps me to remove limiting beliefs that get in the way of me starting and running a business. Its kind of like business therapy and I'm getting all vulnerable by showing it to my audience. Mentorship and coaching are so important but if you have never done it before it can seem quite abstract. If you've ever been interested in what it might be like, listen to this episode. Check out Henri Meijer's...

What did the ancient greeks have to say about creativity?

December 24, 2018 08:00 - 1 hour - 51.9 MB

Francis has read widely and understands greatly the connection between stress and creativity as the CEO of a company that helps to automate repetitive work. We also go into how remote work is changing the relationship between stress and creativity in the corporate world. 

How to deal with the stress of uncertainty?

December 17, 2018 08:00 - 56 minutes - 46.3 MB

I sit down with Eliot Peper and we talk about how the world is going through a time of great uncertainty and Eliot shares his advice on how to thrive in this uncertainty. Technological breakthrough is reaching the point of breakout acceleration and this is causing people stress because they don't know where they will end up. The old rules are gone and now the rules are changing every few years.  Listen to this episode if you want to understand how to make it through. 

How do you work with the stress of managing others?

December 10, 2018 08:00 - 41 minutes - 35.2 MB

Today I sit down with Jason and interview him about the stress that comes from managing other people.  One of the most interesting things I learned is that managers should not try to be therapists. They should focus on coaching and if one of their employees is needs more therapeutic help they should be able to refer out to specialists.

What It's Really Like Being a VC (feat. Stewart Alsop II)

December 03, 2018 17:51 - 58 minutes - 80.1 MB

In this episode I sit down with my father Stewart Alsop II to talk about being a journalist, being a VC, his favorite investments, and how he thinks about stress and anxiety. 

Starting and Growing a Yoga Studio (feat. Marisa Toriggino)

November 26, 2018 08:00 - 52 minutes - 71.5 MB

In this episode, I sit down with Marisa Toriggino to talk about Yoga Garden and her process for starting and growing her studio. 

How to Use Stress as an Entrepreneur (feat. Mike Maples Jr.)

November 19, 2018 08:00 - 50 minutes - 69.9 MB

In this episode, I sit down with Mike Maples Jr. to talk about the role stress plays in entrepreneurship. 

Conversation With Mark Lutter

November 12, 2018 16:19 - 50 minutes - 68.7 MB

In this episode I speak with Mark Lutter. 

What happens when your expectations don't match reality?

November 05, 2018 08:00 - 57 minutes - 78.9 MB

I sit down with Julian Weisser, who does Growth for a company called Virta Health which has figured out a way to reverse type II diabetes without the use of medication. Julian was an absolute blast to talk to and is one of those behind the scenes geniuses. He even has a framework for attaining happiness! 

How to act with integrity

October 29, 2018 14:08 - 50 minutes - 68.7 MB

I sit down with Michael Gasnoriek, founder of the Truth Cartel and former co-director of Startup Grind. We talk about how to live an effective life which starts with your personal philosophy. When you've figured out your personal philosophy then you can easily figure out your strategy, tactics, and goals. Start with why and then work from there and life becomes filled with flow.

What is the relationship between pain and stress? Arik Gohl

October 22, 2018 07:00 - 52 minutes - 71.8 MB

In this episode, I sit down with Arik Gohl to talk about pain, stress, and the human body. 

What sources of stress are the same for people from Mexico and people from the US? What are some different sources?

October 15, 2018 10:00 - 51 minutes - 35.3 MB

Stewart interviews Mak Gutierrez of Hackers and Founders in Guadalajara, Mexico

What is the difference between stress and anxiety?

October 08, 2018 17:20 - 31 minutes - 21.5 MB

Stewart interviews Chris Saad, a serial entrepreneur and former head of developer relations at Uber. We talk about how stressful it was to work for Uber, the difference between stress and anxiety and a lot of tips to actually work with anxiety, particularly what worked for Chris.

What can taxes teach us about stress?

October 01, 2018 17:21 - 35 minutes - 24.4 MB

Interview with Patrick Larsen the CEO of ZenLedger

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