Suzanne and Amber squee their way through episode 117, "Why Is Josh In A Bad Mood?" They revel in Rebecca's new love and consider the complications such as: 

How is Paula going to take this shift in romantic focus? Where on East Cameron is Rebecca and Greg's restroom rendezvous? How adorable is truth bomb doctor? And, oh yeah: why *is* Josh in a bad mood?

Plus, we answer your questions, award our Giant Pretzels of the week and give our self-care recommendations for staying healthy and decidedly un-Bunch-like.


I Gave You A UTI (Rachel Bloom, Steven M. Gold and Adam Schlesinger, performed by Santino Fontana)

Angry Mad (Rachel Bloom, Steven M. Gold and Adam Schlesinger, performed by Vincent Rodriguez III)

Oh My God I Think I Like You (Rachel Bloom, Steven M. Gold and Adam Schlesinger, performed by Rachel Bloom)