Strap on your strapless underwire because we are going dress shopping in episode 116, "Josh's Sister is Getting Married!" Suzanne welcomes back correspondents Karly and Justin to talk wedding parties, weak drinks, and three days of ruining each other:

Did Paula go past the point of no friendship return by posting that picture of Valencia? Does Channy Bear really swim with the fishes? Why does Rebecca go back to Home Base? Is doing cartwheels through a grocery aisle a turn on or a public safety issue?

Plus, we answer your questions, award our Giant Pretzels of the week and give our self-care recommendations for staying healthy and decidedly un-Bunch-like.


I Could If I Wanted To (Rachel Bloom, Steven M. Gold and Adam Schlesinger, performed by Santino Fontana)

Heavy Boobs (Rachel Bloom, Steven M. Gold and Adam Schlesinger, performed by Rachel Bloom)

Cleanup On Aisle 4 (Rachel Bloom, Steven M. Gold and Adam Schlesinger, performed by Hunter Stiebel)