The Puppy Search Is On! We screwed up! Have you ever heard of the fog of war? Any good counselor will tell you that sometimes crazy decisions make more sense in the heat of the moment. In the pressure of trying to sell the idea of the last baby to our kids, we did what no good parents should ever do: we promised our kids a puppy. It's long overdue now and the pressure is only mounting. So the puppy search has begun. Sadly, we used to have a dog we loved. A dog like we used to have would be perfect in our home. His name was Bentley and he was the most gentle, fun-loving puppy ever! I know you think yours is, but you're wrong. Bentley! He's still alive. We gave him away when we realized he was going to live out a happier life where he got more attention.  He now has a puppy friend he lives with and we are probably just a sad, neglectful, boring memory to him. Wendy's not looking forward to the potty training. I'm not looking forward to the poop on the floor. We're both hoping for a Morkie, but the price range seems way to steep for our pocket book. So we're scouring the shelters and hoping for the best: only dogs that are good with kids. There will be ear tugging. There will be tail pulling. We need a dog that is either nice enough to not mind or smart enough to avoid the smallest humans in our house. It will probably all work out just fine, but to all you dog owners who think that your puppy is kind of like having kids: this is finally your vindication. This family of 6 kids, 8 years old and younger is terrified of this new bundle of joy entering our lives. But also - you're crazy. Your dumb mutt is nothing like my priceless kids. We're now in the hopefully-merciful hands of the pet gods. Please look kindly upon our estate and grace us with your blessings and not your doodoo. Probably a lot more to come...stay tuned to this section of the site...