Some things you didn't hear me talk about; some things you did. And the end of the book! The (don't you loathe hearing, "yeah, that's just your opinion..." when someone says something like, "the world isn't flat!"), and a . Some in the spring to help make the world a ...why can't they just make a kit!?! A I can get behind. ! Buy yarn for the rest of January (in case you hadn't seen the --it's #5). And Teresa sent even though she doesn't knit (Hey, Teresa, check out the for some embroidery ideas! You could hookup with a spinner/felter/knitter!) My sister has asked me to knit her a . Sadly, the pdf of the pattern is AWOL so I may have to begin my first adventure in faking a pattern. Whoo hoo! A list of courses Ruth alerted me to can be found . No college credit, but MY! MY! look at the listings! And, of course, next week (if I'm available) we'll hear some short stories while we decide what to read next!