If you had to bet everything you own on one to win the Indy 500, would you choose: 

A 5-year-old driving the fastest car ever made or Michael Schumacher driving a lawnmower?

Yeah… either way, you’d end up broke. That’s because the best car and best driver aren’t aligned. 

Crafting a perfect company culture is the same: It’s all about aligning your promises to customers with your promises to employees. 

That’s what the latest episode of Crafting Culture is all about — cultural alignment. 

In it, I go over:

Why culture is another name for the promises you make Why carving a niche matters for both customers and employees How to strike a compromise between customer and employee priorities

To listen to this episode and many more like it, subscribe to Crafting Culture on Apple PodcastsSpotify, or follow along on our website.