Ok, zoomer. It’s official: Gen Z’s are the new millennials… with a few key differentiators.

One being that people belonging to Gen Z don’t remember life without the internet.

To share with us the differences between millennials and Gen Z’s and provide tips on retaining Gen Z employees is Ylva Eriksson. Ylva is the PR & Marketing Manager at Benify, a global benefits management tech provider.

In this episode of Crafting Culture, Ylva and co-host Logan Lyles discuss:

The importance of knowing your employees in order to serve them well. Components Gen Z’s are looking for in their workplace. Keys for recruiting and retaining Gen Z employees.

See Benify’s Gen Z employee study here.

The perk series is co-hosted by Logan Lyles, Director of Partnerships at Sweet Fish Media.

To listen to this episode and many more like it, subscribe to Crafting Culture on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or follow along on our website.