Failures aren’t always a bad thing. There’s so much wisdom you can extract from a failure that I want to challenge you to start embracing failures and thinking of them as a tool for growth. Today’s guest on the podcast is actually someone who uses what she calls a “failure folder” as a tool to grow as a person and creative entrepreneur. In this episode, I had the pleasure of speaking with Kara Warner, a creative coach for women who spent years in the craft publishing industry. We chat about her collaboration project to put together a planner for knitters, her advice for prioritizing your day (while making time for what you love) and how to lend more compassion to yourself. 


What’s in this episode:

How Kara got started in her career in craft publishing Transitioning out of that career into being a coach for creative women Her favorite experiences from her time in craft publishing Kara’s advice for someone considering following a passion or trying something new Collaborating and using her passion for organization to create a planner How to prioritize your day while making time for your hobbies Kara’s typical day and morning routine Finding the balance of working on her business and doing creative work Being compassionate toward yourself The first step Kara takes when she is starting a new project Kara’s story of her “failure folder” and how she reached out to Amy


About Kara:
A passion for knitting led Kara Gott Warner to a beautiful career in craft publishing, spanning more than 15 years as a designer, the former Executive Editor of Creative Knitting Magazine, book editor, and now coach, helping women to use their creativity to transcend struggles, get organized and tame their time! Learn more about Kara at:

Connect with Kara:
Website | Instagram

Knitter’s Planner

The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich by Tim Ferriss

Craft a Life You Love: Infusing Creativity, Fun & Intention into Your Everyday by Amy Tangerine

Fail, Fail Again, Fail Better: Wise Advice for Leaning into the Unknown by Pema Chödrön 


Hope you’ve enjoyed this episode! Would love to hear from you. What is one thing you can do with the wisdom and guidance you’ve extracted from this episode to make positive and lasting change in your own life? Connect with me on social media. You can find me @amytangerine on Instagram, YouTube, Facebook and pretty much anywhere. If you’re enjoying this podcast, please rate and review on iTunes, subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts and let your friends know about it too! The more we spread the creativity and happiness that comes from pursuing our passions, the better off our amazing community will be. Hope you feel uplifted, energized and inspired. You are awesome! I’m Amy Tangerine encouraging you to embrace the fullness of your life!