I want to begin with a few words of gratitude. Hosting this podcast over the past year has been a dream come true for me and I can’t wait to see how it continues to grow and change. I wanted to say thank you to you, the listeners, I created this podcast for you and I am so grateful that you’ve taken the time to listen in week after week, especially those of you who’ve taken the time to subscribe, rate and review the show and those who’ve reached out with positive feedback on social media. It means so much to me that the show has had an impact and I hope it continues to do so well into the future. Today you’ll hear highlights from a few of our episodes in 2019 - this episode will scratch the surface of all the juicy conversations we’ve had on the show so far and I can’t wait for you to dive in! 


Episodes Mentioned:

004: The Beauty of Life’s Moments with Stacy Julian

007: The 4 Ps of a Happy Life with Stephanie Fleming

013: The Good Life With Jonathan Fields

014: Filling Your Life with Color with Stephanie Smokovich

018: Showing Up for Others (and Yourself) with Emily McDowell

023: Being Flexible and Evolving Your Life with Joy Cho

025: How Stickers have the Power to Change the World with Mo Vasquez

032: Make What You Love with Katie Sabin


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I would love to hear from you! Connect with me on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube or on my website. If you enjoyed this podcast and you haven’t already, I’d like to encourage you to subscribe that way you won’t miss a single update. Craft a Life You Love by adopting better habits for a more creative, healthy, happy and productive life.