Core Questions


Define mild, moderate, and severe TBI (including Box 34.1).  Explain the concepts of cerebral autoregulation and CPP. Why is this clinically relevant?  Primary and secondary brain injury.  direct and indirect brain injury.  Differentiate between:  Describe the 4 herniation syndromes  List the extra-axial brain injuries  List the intra-axial brain injuries  Outline your approach to the clinical assessment of the brain injured patient (including GCS and brainstem reflexes).  Describe key imaging findings in the main types of traumatic brain injury.  Inititial resuscitation  ICP management and hyperosmolar therapy Indications for seizure and antibiotic prophylaxis  Reversal of anticoagulation  Decompressive therapies  Outline your management priorities in TBI with respect to:  List the complications of TBI. 


What are the layers of the scalp?  What is the Munro-Kellie doctrine?  What is Cushing’s reflex?  List the clinical features of basal skull fracture (Box 34.2)  Describe 3 clinical decision rules that apply to  neuroimaging in mild TBI.  Describe a graduated return to play protocol as per Rosen’s.