Core Questions

Define the following terms: Menorrhagia Metrorrhagia Menometrorrhagia  Oligomenorrhea  What points on history are important to elucidate in the patient with PV bleeding? Outline an approach to the physical examination in the patient with PV bleeding. Describe an approach to ancillary testing in the patient with PV bleeding. Outline the DDx of PV bleeding in the non-pregnant patient. Outline the DDx of PV bleeding in the pregnant patient. Detail an approach to the management of PV bleeding in nonpregnant patients in the ED.


What is the average volume of blood lost during typical menstruation? What is the risk of spontaneous abortion in the patient who presents with vaginal bleeding in the first trimester?  List five risk factors for placental abruption. List five risk factors for PPH. List five risk factors for ectopic pregnancy. List five absolute contraindications to the use of oral contraceptive pills.