Humans have one hundred billion available neurons...yet only 15% are activated, according to Heart Math Institute. Why? Because we tend to focus so heavily outside of ourselves.

Today, I'd like to talk more about what mindfulness is, and how we might use it.

Last week, I mentioned how there was an 8 week study done that showed how meditation can start actually regenerating gray matter in the brain. We can increase our brain and cell function when we meditate. That impacts our ability to envision, plan, and remember. We can also decreases our tendency to have "monkey mind", a wandering brain that is just meandering from thought to thought for no purpose.

Dr. Wayne Deyer shares that we have about 60,000 thoughts per day, and about 90% of those are repetitive. What would happen if we only thought those thoughts once? Well, we'd have a huge amount of space! Space for concentration, thinking, sleeping, processing -- when we stop our thoughts, we stop the world.

After all, our thoughts come from the ego, and the ego is the voice of fear.

I believe we have repetitive thoughts because many of us haven't learned to train our brains. The good news? You CAN train your brain, and you can do it pretty darn fast. If you commit to 5 minutes a day, you'll notice a difference in 30 days or less . Let's give this exercise a try:

Sit up straight, in a chair or cross legged.

Visualize sending a thick root from the base of your spine down into the ground. This root can also come from the bottom of your tailbone and feet, into the earth. Picture the deep roots you're sending down into the ground. Envision them

Draw the energy from the earth into your body - let your stomach distend, as if you're full of earth energy. You'll want to feel it moving up your spine - the base, your pelvic area, naval area, heart, and into the chest. Hold it there until you feel a slight burn, then exhale it up through your throat, to the third eye, and then the crown. Envision it passing through the top of the head. (If you're familiar with the chakra system, you can visualize the energy moving through your chakras.)

Essentially, you're inhaling earth energy, holding it, then moving it up through the top of your head.

Once you're proficient doing that, try adding "running" energy. Now we're going to add down.

On the inhale, pull earth energy up through the top of your head. On the exhale, see white light moving down into the top of your head and through your body.

As you practice this, you'll start to notice increased levels of energy. You'll be more able to stand in the weight of your own energy. You'll have more insights, and more connection, and even a greater sense of connection with the divine. The more still you get, the more you'll find answers bubbling up from your subconscious mind.

Every great leader I know is able to stop the world by stopping their thoughts. This is one of the best ways to assess your strengths, decisions, and conflicts.

How are you stopping the world?

To learn more, visit, where you'll find information about our upcoming retreat!

Resources Mentioned:

Beyond Your Brain RetreatContact Christine:

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· Able to make the decision to move forward (or can convince the person who can)

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