Whether you're new to the show, or you've been with us all along, we wanted to take a moment to review just a few of this season's big takeaways:

Emotional agility is a key trait for leaders, as emotions have energy. What we focus on, we fuel!

Sometimes leaders focus so much on growth, that they miss out on the reality that their team's emotional state is suffering.

Safety + Belonging + Mattering = Trust

Emotional agility is a superpower! We can shift our emotional state to achieve the outcomes we want.

Reframing is crucial, as our words shape our realities. When we reframe, we can find more useful alternatives and shift our perceptions.

We all have rights as human beings, and lack of understanding these rights can cause others to suffer.

You can crack your own behavior code (and you have such much power and agency to create change).

If you think your team needs to be "fixed"....it's likely your leadership is the problem!

And so much more! Listen to all the episodes to get all the details and actionable strategies.


Some Resources Mentioned This Season:

Culture Camp: https://www.smarttribesinstitute.com/culture-camp/Beyond Your Brain: https://www.smarttribesinstitute.com/stiretreat/Emotion Wheel Infographic: https://www.smarttribesinstitute.com/secret-controlling-emotions-control/Maneuvers of Consciousness Infographic: https://www.smarttribesinstitute.com/maneuvers-of-consciousness-shift-resistance/Outcome Frame: https://www.smarttribesinstitute.com/outcome-frame/Organismic Rights: https://smarttribesinstitute.com/organismic-rights/Contact Christine: https://smarttribesinstitute.com/contact/Strategy Session: https://smarttribesinstitute.com/strategy-session/

You’re busy growing. Let’s have a strategy session when it makes sense, which means you are…

· Committed to getting better results and finding out how awesome your performance can truly be

· Ready to make this a priority and get started in the next few months

· Allocating budget to improving the leadership, culture and results of you and your company

· Able to make the decision to move forward (or can convince the person who can)

Ready? Great! Please fill out the form here. If not, check out our resourcesand subscribe to receive news and more tools as they become available, and we’ll work together when the time is right.

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