Rob and Jason are joined by Alex Denisov to discuss the Mutation Testing in general and the clang based Mull project.

Alex is a Software Engineer who is working at PTScientists GmbH, a German aerospace startup that is planning to land a spacecraft on the Moon. After work, he is organizing LLVM Social in Berlin and researching the topic of mutation testing. He is generally interested in developer tools, low-level development, and software hardening.

News Converting from Boost to std::filesystem Kate Gregory ACCU trip report GCC 9.1 Released Alex Denisov @1101_debian Alex Denisov's GitHub Alex Denisov's Blog Links Mull Project Awesome Mutation testing 2019 EuroLLVM Developers' Meeting: A. Denisov "Building an LLVM-based tool: lessons learned" Sponsors Backtrace Announcing Visual Studio Extension - Integrated Crash Reporting in 5 Minutes Hosts @robwirving @lefticus



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