Rob and Jason are joined by Ben Craig to discuss his proposal for a freestanding C++ Library.

Ben is a Principal Software Engineer at National Instruments, primarily developing device drivers for various operating systems (Windows, Linux, Mac, OpenRTOS, vxWorks, ETS Pharlap), and occasionally tinkering with the firmware side of things. Ben is an occasional contributor to libc++ and Apache Thrift.

News Convert Macro to Constexpr in VS 2017 CppCon 2018 Registration is Open How to Adopt Modern C++17 into your C++ Code 7++ Reasons to Move Your C++ Code into Visual Studio 2017 Effective C++/WinRT for UWP and Win32 C++ Insights P0709 Zero overhead deterministic exceptions Ben Craig Ben Craig's GitHub Links Freestanding Proposal Freestanding Trip Report: emBO++ and Jacksonville wg21 2018 experience Sponsors PVS-Studio The Evil within the Comparison Functions Patreon CppCast Patreon Hosts @robwirving @lefticus


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