We have a real talk in today's episode about how to not only uncover what is holding you back from taking action but understand how to uncover why you are not leveling up your health, fitness, and life.


Growth requires discomfort. And as human beings we try to avoid discomfort because it's UNCOMFORTABLE! But in the pain is where you can develop the power to change.


In this episode we discuss how we how we have developed empathy for ourselves and how we've learned how to communicate with each other in our marriage and with our other important relationships in our lives.


Enjoy the show! And if you've found this episode helpful for you please share the show with others.




Level of Understanding | Barrier Bashing blog post






Peace ✌🏼 | Love 🤟🏼 | FITNESS 💪🏼




"Life is too short to spend out of shape, in pain, and not functioning at your best. Are you ready to perform at the top of your game for life? Join our new Facebook group Become a Corporate Athlete. Where we provide weekly tips, motivation, and education to thrive with your work/life balance.