Most former athletes (like us) think “Getting in the Zone” refers to an athletic environment (which it does). But what if you can get 

“In the zone” in other areas of your life?


What if you can get in the zone with…


-Your Weight loss?

-Your Marriage and relationships?

-Your Career?


We cover 4 components of how to get in the zone. 

Commit to Excellence  Concentration  Practice Harder than the Game (i.e. Life)  Radiate Confidence


Every day ordinary people live an extraordinary life by getting in the zone with their priorities in life. 


Peace ✌🏼 | Love 🤟🏼 | FITNESS 💪🏼


"Life is too short to spend out of shape, in pain, and not functioning at your best. Are you ready to perform at the top of your game for life? Join our new Facebook group Become a Corporate Athlete. Where we provide weekly tips, motivation, and education to thrive with your work/life balance.