In this episode a post about pan covers sparks a discussion on how I think about things and how thinking from a different perspective can be beneficial.  Also looking at the source of information and determining how credible or useful it might be.  Specifically I’m talking about steel screen pan covers.  Everyone has their own opinion and they vary widely, but I’m giving them a try, not necessarily because I’m not satisfied with the polyfil pan covers I’ve been using, but the potential additional benefits the steel screen could provide.  Its going to take some time and experience to determine if there is a legitimate benefit but that is what trapping, and life, for that matter is all about.  If you’re curious about something, don’t just take someone elses word for it, try it for yourself and see.  That’s the only way you can be really sure. 

To me the potential additional benefits to steel screen aside from just acting as a pan cover is 1- increased kill area inside the jaws of the trap and 2- increase trap operability in wet weather situations.  Both of these are yet to be determined but I’m anxious to try and see if either of these turns out to work as others say they do. 

These heavy black steel screen pan covers can be order through O’Gorman Enterprises or Keg Creek Bait and Lure -