In this episode of the Course Building Secrets® Podcast, Tara introduces Kelly Altman from Altman Fitness, who shares her inspiring journey of expanding her business from a small boutique gym to a thriving online fitness and health coaching business.

Kelly discusses the challenges and successes of building a membership platform during COVID-19, the creation of her innovative 30-day challenge that focuses on bite-sized daily goals, and her unique Fit Life™ Method.

Kelly also delves into the impact of online coaching on her community and offers advice for those looking to enter the online business world.

Tune in to learn how Kelly overcame obstacles, redefined her approach to health coaching, and continues to support her clients both in-person and online.

About Me:

My name is Tara Bryan. I help business owners break into the next level of success by packaging their expertise into a scalable business. It's my passion to help you find the fastest path to results to create a greater impact and income for you and your tribe.

This podcast is 100% focused on support, tips and example sharing, and building a community of business owners who are passionate about building awesome customer experiences.

We do that by building engaging, motivating, gamified, and customer-centered digital experiences. We come up with ideas and strategies to ensure that our customers can thrive and succeed.

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1. Want to package or pivot your business? Download our free Step-by-Step guide to get the exact steps you need to create and grow an online business.

Step-By-Step Guide


Download our free 50 Ways to Engage Your Customers guide or Schedule a 30 minute call with Tara to talk about our offers that will help you master the game.

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Mentioned in this episode:

Strategy Call