Luke DePron, a fitness coach who works with everyday men and women to help them build self confidence through physical exercise, explains that competence is the foundation of confidence. He recommends finding a physical challenge outside of one's current capacity in order to grow and become more confident. Exercise can be transformative mentally because it takes hard work and dedication to see results. Luke originally went into fitness coaching because he wanted to make an impact on people by combining his passion for health and nutrition with his knowledge from college. He believes that dedicating three to four 45 minute workouts per week is enough for radical transformation, but also suggests making small nutritional adjustments as well.

Sal and Luke discuss how having the confidence to try something new, even if it means being a beginner and not knowing what you're doing is an important step in developing self-esteem. He uses his own experience with taking acting classes as an example of how he was able to build up his confidence by pushing himself out of his comfort zone and tackling intimidating tasks such as singing acapella in front of a group or bombing auditions. The discussion dives into using fitness as one way to develop this kind of confidence, encouraging all of us to explore other activities like ballroom dancing which require competence before they can be successful.

The confidence chat leads to the importance of trying new things, even if you don't have natural talent. They also talk about how tracking data can be helpful for understanding your progress and setting goals. Finally, they emphasize that fitness should be a lifestyle choice rather than a short-term goal with an intense push. This ensures long lasting longevity and confidence in one's self.


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