Whether you're dealing with recovery issues, emotions from a loss, or life has just thrown you one more curveball than you expected. You'll enjoy this broadcast.

Our actions speak louder than words and our willingness to help others proves to them we genuinely care about them getting clean or about them staying sober. If we're not practicing what we're talking about, then our words are useless.

The Lifestyle Champion Cohort is an 8-week program where Zoom technologies are used for the 90-minute weekly online meetings. In order to determine your eligibility for the program, please visit my website at www.randymortensen.com and complete the 21-point assessment. Following the completion please either contact me on this page or call 321.757.HOPE or use the tool on the website to schedule a call. 

Here's a question to ask yourself: Does my lifestyle reflect what I believe? There are two kinds of people, some are givers and others are takers. Which are you?

Make your life a mission, not an intermission!!!