Growing up Lee was always the funny one who no one took seriously. His grades were just "good enough" to enter the U of Wisconsin, where he drank a lot of beer, had a blast, met his wife and then was asked to leave because his grades weren't good enough.

After tech school, Lee was a successful entrepreneur in a variety of businesses but those were lost in the recession of 2007 - 2009. This was a major turning point in his life. He was trying to maintain the illusion of success while hiding massive losses and the fear of what others would think, if he asked for help with his drinking, held him back. As the losses mounted his drinking rapidly increased, drinking more to escape the fear and consequences.

Lee's friend attended Eagle Brook Church in Minnesota, the friend convinced Lee's wife and daughter to attend church there, Lee was reluctant but knew there was a recovery ministry there called Quest180. Finally, he went to Quest but continued his drinking, even though 100 times per day he was telling himself it was time to quit.

Finally, on a cold night in January of 2013, Lee disappeared from his house, going on a blackout drive around the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul. After returning home in the wee hours of the morning, he was awakened in his bed by the presence of a police officer who had responded to his wife's call for help. His words to the female police officer were "God, I give up!" He immediately felt peace in knowing that somehow everything was going to work out.

Today, Lee is a leader with the Five Stone Media group ( - they are currently working on a curriculum called "Story Builder" that will be an individual or group study process that will teach participants three things: a) learn the value of their story to God and to His plan, b) how to be prepared to tell their story, and c) knowing when and where to share their story.