Welcome back to the Courageous Conversations, where we empower the next generation of female leaders with courage, confidence, and an entrepreneurial mindset.

In this episode, Amy is joined by Morgan Brown to discuss life's uncertanties and how to pivote amongst them.

More in this episode: 

Controlling the controllable. Understanding that you can only control so much. Avoid worrying about what you can't control, and focus on what you know you can. Embracing the Uncertainty. Knowing that change is ineveitable, and there is nothing you can do to stop it. Look for the good in this new season of life. Relying on Habits formed for future use. Chances are, this isn't the last time you will experience uncertainty. Learn to use lessons learned in previous situations, to help you navigate newfound uncertainty.

Thank you so much for tuning in to this empowering episode of the Courageous Conversations podcast. We hope you found our insights on managing debt in your twenties valuable and actionable.

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