Welcome back to the Courageous Conversations, where we empower the next generation of female leaders with courage, confidence, and an entrepreneurial mindset.

In this episode, Amy is joined by Jaly Jones to chat about keeping your eye on the prize, no matter how rough life may feel. They share personal expierences and tips on how they've been able to focus on the prize, during tough times.

More in this episode: 

Remebering why you started. Sometimes it feels like everything is going wrong, and you can lose sight of what you're working towards. Remember to take a breather and remember why you started this journey in the first place. Perservering through the struggles. When life gets tough, it can be so easy to focus on everything going wrong. Instead, keep pushing and keep your eye on the prize at all times!! Change your mindset.  It all begins with you. Your results are determined by your mindset. A shift in your mindset can change the game for you.

Thank you so much for tuning in to this empowering episode of the Courageous Conversations podcast. We hope you found our insights on managing debt in your twenties valuable and actionable.

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