Welcome back to the Business Big Sister podcast, where we empower the next generation of female leaders with courage, confidence, and an entrepreneurial mindset.

In this episode, Kelly and Amy provide valuable insights on handling debt effectively, breaking down a seemingly complex subject into easy-to-follow steps.

More in this episode: 

Ownership and Making a PlanUnderstand your numbers. Know your income, expenses, debt, and set clear financial goals.  Avoiding Debt EncouragementGoing into debt should be avoided at all costs. Delayed gratification is key - save for what you want rather than taking on debt. Changing Habits and SustainabilityAfter getting out of debt, avoid slipping back into old spending habits. Be disciplined but also create a sustainable budget that allows you to enjoy life while managing your finances responsibly.

Thank you so much for tuning in to this empowering episode of the Business Big Sister podcast. We hope you found our insights on managing debt in your twenties valuable and actionable.

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