Over the years, I've heard my boys call certain kids in school or on the sports fields "Try Hards".  I guess it's a term used for people that seem to be trying extra hard to win or succeed.  In some ways, I kind of feel sorry for those kids...because it's actually a really good thing to want to do well and succeed.  But, on the other hand, I get their point.  Try Hards are over-the-top where it becomes annoying.  

As I was preparing this message, I wondered if I have been a closet "Try Hard" all my life. Haha.  Anyway, here's my message for today.  

I am trying too hard to do too many things for too many people too much of the time.  And, instead what I've been learning is that I actually experience more success when I do this... (you'll have to listen to the episode to find out what that is).  You're probably saying to yourself...typical TRY HARD thing to do. Haha.  

As always, I hope this message inspires and awakens something new in you!
- Eric