Phil Mickelson shocked the golf world by winning the 103rd PGA Championship (one of the 4 major golf tournaments of the year) last week.  He turns 51 in June...and no one that old has ever won a major golf tournament.  Many have noticed he is a much calmer, more patient golfer than he's ever been.  Something was different about Phil.  It turns out Mickelson has been practicing relaxation, meditation and visualization techniques these last 2-3 years.  

I thought it would be interesting to look at what he implemented in his golf game and look at how we can apply it to our game in real life.  After all, it is called the game of life for a reason.  Why not work towards mastering our game by applying what Phil has to our lives as well!  

Here's a summary of what we can learn from Phil Mickelson's victory in our personal and work life:

Proper preparation starts with a powerful mindsetSelect the club you can swingFor the next shot, make it the best routine of the dayIf you don't see it, you cannot create itMake a complete swing

Link to the article mentioned in the podcast.