In this episode licensed professional counselor is once again joined by Cory Bertrand, another professional counselor and staff member at Community Counseling Associates. 

As they discuss healthy relationships, topics are covered such as:

Understanding the difference between giving, taking and mutuality in friendships  Sharing or giving away Toya, clothes and other Items going in and out of your home The 5 love languages and how we give and receive them Using different strengths to bless one another   The skill of speaking the truth in love (Eph 4:15) Speaking and hearing "no" in relationships Reaching out when experiencing a season of busyness

The conversation closes with prayer suggestions regarding character, resilience, discernment, and mutuality in relationship.

Thanks again for your interest in the counselor thoughts podcast. We invite you to check out the show notes post at for resource links. 

If you are interested in local counseling services in the DFW with Michelle, Cory or one of the CCA staff, please visit