Creating an abundantly aligned and extraordinary life is within your grasp. All you need to do is believe in yourself, set firm boundaries, and set your intention to live your wildest dreams. I’m joined by Natalie Matushenko who talks us through her seven steps to an extraordinary life.

About Natalie Matushenko

Natalie Matushenko, PCC, CPCC is a leadership coach, best-selling author, transformational teacher, Ivy League University and top business school graduate, and adventurer. Over the past twenty years, she has helped thousands of soulful go-getters make a huge impact in the world while creating lives they love. 

Natalie left a high-flying career in international development to pursue her own version of success. She has lived in five countries and has traveled extensively to over 60 countries. Natalie currently splits her time between Colombia, South America, and the United States and spends a couple of months a year traveling the world with her husband and three daughters.

How to Create a Life of Passion, Purpose, and Fulfillment

What a breath of fresh air Natalie is! I’m delighted to have her join me on this episode of The Girlfriend Doctor to talk about how we can actually create the life of our dreams. 

Does following your passion and purpose sound scary? It doesn’t have to be. Natalie breaks it down into seven easy steps to living that extraordinary life I know you have ahead of you.

The beauty of these seven steps is that Natalie trusts that every single woman listening to this podcast episode can use them to create the life you truly desire to live. They’re manageable and when you take that step past your fear, your whole life is right there in front of you.

Showing up every single day to do the hard work is essential to creating this dream life. Yes, that means when you’re tired and yes, that’s when you’re afraid. When you make consistent, aligned action, you’re manifesting your ultimate dreams.

You also need to set firm boundaries with where you spend your time - and, maybe, more importantly, with whom. Protect your energy. And know in your heart when your yes means yes and when you need to say no to something.

Saying no opens up your life to a world of possibilities.

Using Change to Fuel A Life of Abundant, Aligned Action

Natalie explains what happens when you find a group of like-minded women. Interacting with women on a similar path as you helps you feel more inspired to create inspired action to live a life following your purpose and passion.

This time that we’re currently in is one of huge change and flux for not just us, but most of the world. Like the phoenix, that rises renewed from the flames, so too can we. When we use these periods of chaos, we can actually recreate ourselves and the lives that we truly want to live.

It’s time to rise, ladies, and start living the that extraordinary life you’re destined for.

Celebrate something that you can smile about and love yourself for. And share what it is with us! Share with your neighbors. Share with everyone what you’re celebrating.

As always, you can ask me anything and let me hear your thoughts in the comments on the episode page. If you have questions, email [email protected].


In This Episode:

What the seven key steps to leading an extraordinary life are [7:00] Why you need to show up to do the hard work every single day [10:45] How to set and stick to realistic boundaries, letting your yes mean yes and your no mean no [12:10] What happens when you create a community of like-minded people who inspire you [13:15] How to use times of chaos to discover what you truly want to do in your life [19:15]


Key Takeaways:

Taking daily action that scares you will help you align yourself with the life of passion and purpose you truly strive for. Discovering your passion could be as simple as finding joy in painting and creating or it could be as big as uprooting and changing your entire life perspective.  Our happiness is not externally dependent. Where we put our energy and focus will manifest in our life. 



“One of the biggest reasons people don’t go for their passion and purpose, don’t create a life that’s as extraordinary as it could be, is because we’re afraid.” [9:11]

“We have to feel our feelings and our grief over the things that we may have lost either temporarily or in the longer term. And what you focus on grows. It’s honoring what is, but at the same time, I firmly believe that there is nothing like times of pure chaos to create something different.” [19:10]

“Perimenopausal women are at a tremendous time when our changing hormones will really call us to go within and to shed whatever’s not working, adopt whatever will help us thrive so that we can feel sexy, vibrant, healthy, and successful into our 40s, 50s, 60s and beyond.” [28:38]


Resources Mentioned

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