JJ Virgin shares the key lifestyle changes that you need to make to boost your metabolism and live your best life at age 50 and beyond. Learn about the seven foods you should drop immediately from your diet, how to cross train your diet in the same way you would cross train your exercise, and the key health parameters you should be paying attention to every week to know if you’re moving in the right direction. 

[1:45] One of the things you have to prioritize as you age is self-care and putting yourself first. Sacrificing your sleep may no longer be a worthy option. You can be in your best shape at 50, but you need to focus on what you need to be healthy. [3:30] A healthy body burns fat and holds onto muscle. If you’re carrying around extra weight, it may be an indicator that you have a metabolic condition. Weight loss is a side benefit of your metabolism working well. [4:20] You need to step on the scale everyday if you want to understand how your body is functioning. The key is to position yourself as the observer instead of the judge. People who weigh in every day keep the weight off and it helps you connect the dots between what you’re eating and how it’s working for you. [7:00] There are seven foods that are commonly found in most people’s diets that once removed often result in immediate weight loss. We’re very aware of food sensitivities like shellfish and peanuts, but rarely pay attention to things like sugar and gluten. [8:50] You need to eliminate sugar and sweeteners from your diet. Sugar is doing a lot of disruption to your gut and making it more inflammatory overall. [9:45] There is a right way to do keto and a wrong way to do keto. Paying attention to your alkalinity and constant measuring is important to keeping a diet on track. [11:45] JJ is anti-diet. Dieting should be used therapeutically in the short-term, so you can learn what works for you and bring that into your daily routine. Cross train your diet like you would use your exercise. [12:40] 76% of us are overweight or obese right now, and only 12% of the population would be considered metabolically healthy. [13:40] For someone metabolically healthy, intuitive eating can work well to help you understand what food is working for you. Since most people aren’t in that category, intuitive eating is pointing them in the wrong direction. [14:30] Avoid eating before sleep and avoid eating for at least an hour after waking up. Get up and get active as quickly as possible. [15:30] Any kind of toxin can get in the way of you losing weight. Mold toxicity is extremely prevalent and can cause major issues metabolically speaking. [17:15] The first meal in the morning where most people mess up. So many of the breakfast choices are simply sugar. When you break your fast it should be with clean protein, healthy fats and fiber. [19:00] A continuous glucose monitor can be a powerful tool in helping you understand the effects of food on your body. [21:25] Eating disorders are very common in the diabetic population. The trajectory of the US population is not going in a great direction. Right now, we are on track for 100% of the population to be diabetic by the year 2030. [23:15] You need to love yourself right where you are, and then dare yourself to want more. You just need a path to heal your metabolism and that’s not going to happen if we don’t have these conversations. [24:20] Dr. Anna goes over the baselines for metabolic health for both men and women. In addition to waist-to-hip ratio and triglycerides, we should also be paying attention to Vitamin D, blood pressure, and triglyceride to HDL ratio. If one of these factors are off, it becomes the precursor to several other factors going off the rails, and it can point you toward what you need to fix. [28:45] If your diet is dialed in but your fasting blood sugar and hemoglobin H1C is elevated, you may need to look at the stress in your life. It’s important to track these numbers because they point to where in your lifestyle you need to make some shifts so that it doesn’t get worse. [29:15] Focus on one change at a time, otherwise you won’t stick with anything. JJ recommends starting with food and identifying your hidden food intolerances. Once you know which foods work for and which ones don’t, you begin lowering your sugar impact, and that prepares you to enter ketogenic cycles without the usual pain involved with jumping into something new. [33:55] A caloric restricted diet doesn’t work long-term, but cross training and cycling through diets short-term can be very effective. It’s a lifestyle approach.




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