Are you feeling crazy? It may just be your hormones talking. Dr. Anna explains how your hormones have a direct impact on your emotions and moods, and when things fall out of balance, you can feel like you’ve been swept up in a storm of anxiety, depression, rage, and everything in between. Learn how to rebalance your hormones with the Keto Green diet and supplements, and by doing the things that make you smile.

[2:10] There are two days of the year where Dr. Anna allows herself some space, her son’s birthday and angel day. The day her son passed away is an important day for celebrating his life. [3:20] The loss of her son in 2006 took her on a journey, spiritually, mentally, physically, and emotionally. It was a journey that took her around the world looking for answers in trying to understand how to live after such grief. [5:00] Dr. Anna was a researcher before she went to medical school, but all the schooling she had didn’t prepare her for living the experience. Our hormones can play havoc with our moods and physiology drives behaviors. Unhealthy choices can destroy our physiology. [6:15] There are many times in a woman’s life where these hormonal fluctuations occur, including pre menstruation and the hormonal transition into menopause. When you have had post traumatic stress or adverse childhood experiences, it generally translates to more challenges in menopause. [7:05] If you consider the hormonal milieu like a pressure cooker, progesterone acts as a lid to the pot. When you add in stress it increases the pressure, and in menopause when progesterone declines, it’s like taking the lid off the pot. [8:30] In December 2018, there was an article published that explored the second peak of age where women suffer from psychosis. [9:45] There are certain things you should not say to your significant other regarding their hormones. Behaviors that don’t normally bother you will suddenly cause you serious stress during certain periods. Our hormones are integrally related to our neural transmitters and have a serious impact on our emotions. [12:25] Progesterone is the main hormone that all other hormones are derived from. In times of stress our reproductive hormones are sacrificed to create cortisol. Gaba is a feel-good hormone that helps us relax, and it’s directly affected by the downstream direction of progesterone production. [14:20] During Dr. Anna’s second menopausal transition, she experienced severe hormonal disruption. It was a very difficult time before she made the decision to do things that increased oxytocin and supported production of progesterone. [15:55] Oxytocin is the most powerful hormone in our body. Doing things that we find fun and make us smile is crucial to a happy life. Supporting progesterone with supplements also helps with overdrive and burnout. [17:55] When you are experiencing mood swings, it’s a function of your hormones. Estrogen is essentially for the production of the neurotransmitter serotonin. Most of our serotonin is produced in the GI tract, which is why the microbiome is so important. [19:00] When estrogen and serotonin dip during perimenopause, it affects the amount of glucose produced in the brain which results in brain fog. [20:55] During PMS, women are often prescribed SSRIs. These might deal with some of the symptoms, but you aren’t increasing your natural production of serotonin, which usually results in progressively higher doses. This is why functional medicine focuses first on repairing the gut. [22:45] Dopamine is the other neurotransmitter to think about. It’s responsible for seeking novelty and to have healthy levels of dopamine. You also need healthy levels of testosterone which will increase dopamine, and in turn, can increase the desire for new experiences. [26:30] As our testosterone depletes we feel like we have lost our edge. It can lead to a loss of desire in doing most things. [27:10] We have to address our hormones in a holistic way. When your hormones shift, it’s your body sending out a cry for help. Avoid just powering through until “it gets better” because there is no telling what casualties will be left in your path from that approach. [29:00] There are over 200 symptoms associated with PMS and menopause. If you only hate your husband for two weeks out of the month, it’s not your husband, it’s your hormones. [30:45] Have a good night's sleep (7-9 hours) whenever possible. A relaxing night time ritual is critical. Avoid blue light generated from computer screens. Stretch before bed and do things that help you relax. [32:25] Supplement with progesterone. There are a number of different supplements on the market that you can use that will help balance your hormones overall. [36:20] The dietary changes that we make can improve our willpower and physiology. Break up with sugar and embrace the Keto Green lifestyle. [37:20] Indulge in dark chocolate. Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants and can help with PMS at the time of your period. [38:10] Don’t forget to schedule some play time. Think about the people and activities that put a smile on your face and make sure you make time for those in your calendar. Restoring the hormones of connection will help balance the feelings of isolation and loneliness. [39:50] Nourish yourself so you are not pouring from an empty cup. Avoid things that disrupt your diet and damage your gut microbiome. [40:40] Supplement with herbal combinations like Mighty Matcha Plus and Omega 3. Over 10% of people are poor methylators, so adding methylation support to your supplements is crucial. [44:20] We want to do everything we can to clear our bodies of toxic hormones and endocrine disruptors. [44:45] Tips for helping your wife through hormonal symptoms: don’t mention hormones, be extra nice, helpful, and supportive, draw a warm bath with something sweet, cook a nice healthy meal, serve breakfast in bed, or take your kids out for a run. Every effort will be appreciated. [46:00] You don’t get a reward for being a martyr during menopause. Take care of yourself, and it will make a difference for yourself and your family.



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