Roy L Hales/ CKTZ News - A two-year old grizzly bear’s month long visit to Quadra Island is about to come to an end.

The Conservation Officer Service (COS) set a trap for it on Tuesday.

At 4:15 PM yesterday (Thursday), COS emailed Cortes Currents that they are still monitoring the situation and in consultation with Provincial Wildlife Biologists.

Anyone spotting the bear is asked to call 1-877-952-7277 (RAPP) or #7277 on the TELUS Mobility Network.

>>> Incident at SouthEnd Farm Winery

A pregnant goat disappeared from the SouthEnd Farm Winery shortly before 9 AM last Monday. The owners, Ben and Jill McGuffie, their two children and some neighbours combed the woods, but were unable to find the missing animal.

Around 9:50 that night, the McGuffie’s noticed that their two remaining goats were not in their usual spot. Ben got out of bed and stuck his head out the door for a closer look. That’s when he noticed ‘something large and brown’ chasing one of his goats. Clad in nothing but his underwear, McGuffie grabbed a deck brush and ran outside to intervene, His wife Jill followed with a piece of plywood. They started yelling. Ben started questioning his sanity, when the grizzly came to a stop ten metres away. He threw his brush at the animal. when that didn’t faze the bear, Ben threw a rock.

“I think I got it. I don’t image missing it would have made it take off. It took off into the hill at the back,” he later told CTV news.

The McGuffies have brought their two remaining goats inside their home until the situation is resolved.

Much more in podcast

Photo credit: Beary Thoughts by Matthias Götzke on Unsplash