Roy L Hales/ CKTZ News - The most recent provincial modelling shows that if enough British Columbians are vaccinated and personal interactions remain well below pre-pandemic levels, we may nearly wipe out COVID 19 by September.

While the number of active cases in North Vancouver Island has risen slightly since CKTZ’s report last week, from 5 to 8, the most recent data BC Centre for Disease Control report states that most of have a Daily case rate of zero out of 100,000.

The exception is the Comox Valley, where the rate has risen to 1 per 100,000.

In the most recent map, for the EPI week ending on June 5th, there were 3 cases in the Comox Valley.

There were no cases in the Greater Campbell River Health Area. This is an improvement over last week’s report, when there was I. As the numbers in the Surveillance Dashboard are obviously rounded off, it states the daily rate has dropped from zero to zero.

As of yesterday, the number of active cases on Vancouver Island has dropped to 49. Eight of these were in North Vancouver Island.