Roy L Hales/ Cortes Currents - It has been two days since Isabella McKnight sent the word out. The Cortes Island Community Foundation was only a third of the way to collecting the 300 signatures needed for the  Vital Signs community survey! 

“Vital Signs is a program supported by the Community Foundations of Canada. It's  more than just a survey. It's a powerful tool designed to illuminate the areas where our community thrives and also identify the aspects that need our collective attention and effort. So by participating, you're contributing to a richer understanding of Cortes, explained  McKnight, Executive Administrator of the Cortes Island Community Foundation.

Cortes Currents: How important is this for grant applications?

Isabella McKnight: “It will definitely help us streamline where the need in our community is, so it can definitely help us to decide what kind of grants we should apply for. For example: The housing needs on Cortes, or the need to support our elders, etc. It's really important to help us fill it out because we want to hear everyone's voice and understand, from a vast diversity of people, what Cortes needs and wants in the future.”

Cortes Currents: When’s the deadline?  

Isabella McKnight: “The deadline for Vital Signs is July 7th.” 

“We have an option on July 5th at the Friday Market for people to come in and fill out paper copies or on the computer. We also have paper mail and pouches available around the island at Manson's Hall, the Mansons Post Office, Whaletown Post Office, Bertha's, Klahoose, and at the library.”  

Cortes Currents: How far are you towards getting the number of responses you need?  

Isabella McKnight: “So as of yesterday, we are at 155 responses, which is over halfway to our goal of 300. We've been focusing lots of efforts on partnering with the non profits on the island to get them to share the survey out to their networks, as well as just reaching out to friends and family on Cortes to try and get as much representation as we can.”

Isabella McKnight: “With the published data from this Vital Signs survey, the Cortes Foundation will be able to see where the gaps in our community are and where our residents believe we should be focusing our efforts, which is a huge reason to participate.”

“It also helps provide our nonprofits with some information that they can use to help better serve our community. Plus, you can win some really great prizes.”  

Cortes Currents: What are the prizes?  

Isabella McKnight: “The prizes that we have available are:  
a six hour trip with Misty Isle Adventures,
$250 cash,
dinner for two at Hollyhock,
two 50 gift cards, one for the Refuge Cove Dockside restaurant and one for the gallery.
A free Nzuri basket,
a gift card from the Sunflower Food Truck,
a free paddle with Cortes Kayaks,
a gift set from Twigroot Botanicals,
a handwoven tea towel from Beth Napper,
handmade pottery from Jeramie Ellingson,
and a massage from Fawn Baron.”

“I really hope people take the time to participate. It's really great to get your voice heard and  feel free to stop by on July 5th at the Friday market to fill out a copy in person.”