Louis Belcourt/CKTZ News -The Village Commons construction project aims to have its new structures operational by end of October, says General Contractor Richard Andrews.

In January, the Village Commons title was transferred from CCEDA to the Cortes Island Community Foundation. The CICF set out to develop the land for community usage with a variety of grants.

The current project underway is “a combined shared meeting and office space” with an operating title of “the Nook.”

“It’s two small buildings that are going to be covered by one roof, and there’ll be a fairly extensive deck and breezeway between the two buildings through which people can pass,” says Andrews.

Recently finished was the “wild play zone” which is an “interactive playground and sculptural area,” including a large swing, a ship-like deck with seats and a small hut made of driftwood.

The remaining projects include three shipping containers installed for non-profit storage and an outdoor pavilion for outdoor gatherings and performances.