Roy L Hales / Cortes Currents - The licenses for 19 salmon farms in the Discovery lslands expired today. Bernadette Jordan, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO) is reissuing licenses for 18 months, during which time “no new fish of any size may be introduced into Discovery Islands.” “fish at the sites can complete their growth-cycle and be harvested,” but “all farms be free of fish by June 30th, 2022.”

interview with Stan Proboszcz, Science Advisor with the Watershed Watch Salmon Society, as well as clips from previous interviews with independent biologist Alexandra Morton and Chief John Hackett, of the Tla’amin First Nation, as well as press releases from Fisheries and Oceans Canada and the BC Salmon Farmers Association about the closing down of open net salmon farms in the Discovery Islands.

Photo credit: Protesting in front of Cermaq Canada in Campbell River on Sept 26, 2020 – Rod Burns photo